Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training (R.M.E.T. Skill Council)

राष्ट्रीय मिशन ऑफ एजुकेशन एंड ट्रेनिंग
(आर.एम.ई.टी. स्किल कॉउंसिल)
An Autonomous body Regd. by Ministry of Labour and Employment (Govt. of India)
Department of Labour (Govt. of NCT Delhi)
Governed by Rashtriya Siksha Vikash Abhijan, Incorporated by TR Act, Govt. of India

Vocational Education & Training for Youth

Accrediated By
Welcome to Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training (R.M.E.T. Skill Council). Centrally Information Adress: Plot no - 38B, Upper ground floor, Dwarka mor,New delhi,Delhi - 110059. Regd. & Postal Address : Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training, An Initiative of Rashtriya Siksha Vikash Abhijan. Mollaroad, Khandaghosh, Purba Bardhaman-713424, West Bengal, India.


Our Admission session will be held on three times in a year. Those are January Session, May Session and October Session. The students can admit to any of the above session at our Authorized Study Centre. January session is active from January to February, May session is active from May to June and October session is active from October to November. Our Authorized Study Centre are requested to collect their students’ Registration Fees and Kits Fees of students and deposit those to our Head Office at the end of the 2nd month of each session. Our Authorized Study Centre are requested to Collect their students’ Examination Fees and submit the amount to our Head Office before a month of Examination.