Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training (R.M.E.T. Skill Council)

राष्ट्रीय मिशन ऑफ एजुकेशन एंड ट्रेनिंग
(आर.एम.ई.टी. स्किल कॉउंसिल)
An Autonomous body Regd. by Ministry of Labour and Employment (Govt. of India)
Department of Labour (Govt. of NCT Delhi)
Governed by Rashtriya Siksha Vikash Abhijan, Incorporated by TR Act, Govt. of India

Vocational Education & Training for Youth

Accrediated By
Welcome to Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training (R.M.E.T. Skill Council). Centrally Information Adress: Plot no - 38B, Upper ground floor, Dwarka mor,New delhi,Delhi - 110059. Regd. & Postal Address : Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training, An Initiative of Rashtriya Siksha Vikash Abhijan. Mollaroad, Khandaghosh, Purba Bardhaman-713424, West Bengal, India.

Industry Programmes

A number of industrial and business organisations, large and medium, provide organised training for their employees. The type of training varies depending upon the organisation and its needs. The training may be of the informal learning type of the type of organised instructional programme with in the plant under the supervision of the personnel department or of a special education and training division. As a general rule, the training confined to the acquisition of occupational knowledge and competences needed to increase productivity in the occupation concerned. Some programmes cater to providing related information and some instruction of a general education nature. Some are designed to train and retrain employees in specialised areas of occupations. The programmes include apprenticeship and pre-service job training, On-the-job the training and supervisory training. A good proportion of the present work force is trained as skilled workers, operators and technicians through the system of training-in-industry. Thought limited in scope and application, the training system can provide much needed occupational knowledge and skills extending beyond the normal institutional system of vocational education and training.