Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training (R.M.E.T. Skill Council)

राष्ट्रीय मिशन ऑफ एजुकेशन एंड ट्रेनिंग
(आर.एम.ई.टी. स्किल कॉउंसिल)
An Autonomous body Regd. by Ministry of Labour and Employment (Govt. of India)
Department of Labour (Govt. of NCT Delhi)
Governed by Rashtriya Siksha Vikash Abhijan, Incorporated by TR Act, Govt. of India

Vocational Education & Training for Youth

Accrediated By
Welcome to Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training (R.M.E.T. Skill Council). Centrally Information Adress: Plot no - 38B, Upper ground floor, Dwarka mor,New delhi,Delhi - 110059. Regd. & Postal Address : Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training, An Initiative of Rashtriya Siksha Vikash Abhijan. Mollaroad, Khandaghosh, Purba Bardhaman-713424, West Bengal, India.

Parent Guide to VET

Vocational education and training opens doors to opportunities. Here are 8 reasons why it will set your child up for success.

  • To thrive in the modern workplace, your child will need to be agile, resilient, a problem solver and a creative thinker. They also need education pathways that deliver real, job-ready experience that can help them land that first career opportunity.


This is where vocational education and training (VET) comes in. From apprenticeships and traineeships, to certificate, diploma and advanced diploma qualifications, VET can equip young people with the workplace-specific skills and knowledge they need to secure their future. Here are 8 reasons to set your child up for success.

  • VET delivers skills employers want
  • VET can fast track them getting a full-time job
  • VET is practical, hands-on training (not just textbooks)
  • VET puts recognized qualifications on their CV.
  • VET can count towards their HSC
  • VET is a proven pathway to high-paying jobs that are in demand
  • Apprentices and trainees earn while they learn
  • VET delivers great job prospects