Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training (R.M.E.T. Skill Council)

राष्ट्रीय मिशन ऑफ एजुकेशन एंड ट्रेनिंग
(आर.एम.ई.टी. स्किल कॉउंसिल)
An Autonomous body Regd. by Ministry of Labour and Employment (Govt. of India)
Department of Labour (Govt. of NCT Delhi)
Governed by Rashtriya Siksha Vikash Abhijan, Incorporated by TR Act, Govt. of India

Vocational Education & Training for Youth

Accrediated By
Welcome to Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training (R.M.E.T. Skill Council). Centrally Information Adress: Plot no - 38B, Upper ground floor, Dwarka mor,New delhi,Delhi - 110059. Regd. & Postal Address : Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training, An Initiative of Rashtriya Siksha Vikash Abhijan. Mollaroad, Khandaghosh, Purba Bardhaman-713424, West Bengal, India.


Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training  (RMET  Skill Council ) is an ISO: 9001:2015 certified organization for Vocational & Skill Education which is  Governed by Rashtriya Siksha Vikash Abhijan, Certificate of Registration under Section 60 and Rule 69 registered in Book IV Volume Number 1903-2016, page from 181425 to 181451 being no 190307682 / 2016 is an autonomous organization. Regd. under Dept. of Labour NCT (Delhi). Training Partner of NSDC (Govt. of India) & P.B.S.S.D Govt. of W.B. Basic Training Provider Under Ministry of Skill Development And Entrepreneurship (Govt. of India).. Accredited By National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog, Govt of India). And Rashtriya Mission of Education & Training (RMET Skill council) also all courses registered in Book IV Volume Number-1903-2021, page from 26614 to 16677 being No. 190300736 / 2021. Approved By Ministry of Labour & Employment & Dept. of M.S.M.E (Government of India)


Self employment course provides student with an introductory knowledge and understanding of self-employment and requirements of success. The courses is designed for student wishing to consider self-employment on further study in area of self-employment and progression routes. Providing access in 30+ sectors is to make quality vocational education to all those who seek it irrespective of age, region or formal qualifications.

RMET Skill Council offers vocational skill courses under RSVA in various sectors viz, (1) Advertising and Media Industry (2) Agriculture and Allied Technology (3) Art, Drawing and Painting (4) Automobile Sector (5) Aviation Sector (6)  Banking, Financial Services and Insurance, (7) Beauty culture and Spa (8) Building and Construction Technology (9) Chemical Industry (10)  Computer and Information  Technology (11) Cookery, Bakery, Confectionary and Food Processing (12) Cottage Induatry (13) Cutting, Tailoring, Dress Making and Fashion Designing (14) Electrical & Electronic sector (15) Entrepreneurship & Professional Skill Sector (16) Fire & Safety Sector (17) Fishery Science Sector (18) Foot-wear Technology (19) Gold Appraiser (20) Handicrafts Sector (21)Health and Paramedical Sector (22) Hospitality Sector (23) Leather Industry (24) Logistics and shipping Management Sector (25) NGO Management  (26) Photography  (27) Plastic Industry  (28) Printing Technology  (29) Renewable Energy (30) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector (31) Secretarial Practice Sector (32) Teacher Training Sector (33) Telecom (34) Textile Technology (35)Veterinary Sector (36) Yoga Sector.

Syllabus / Curriculum

Effective course design begins with understanding who your students are, deciding what you want them to learn; skill-oriented; determining how you will measure student learning; and planning activities, assignments and materials that support student learning. The course/curriculum is previewed and reviewed by the faculty as well as outside media experts and edited or modified, wherever necessary, with the supervision of members of RMET Skill Council before they are finally forwarded to the Vocational Training Centre.

Board Examination

RMET Skill Council has sole right to fix the dates and venue of examination and intimate to Vocational Training Centres through the Controller of Examinations, RMET Skill Council well in advance. The Hall Tickets, Question Papers, Answer sheets, Invigilator ID, Student Registration Form, Internal Assessment Report and Practical Report and other required stationery items for the conduct of examinations shall be sent by RMET. RMET shall arrange to conduct the examinations as per the regulations and get the performance of the students evaluated and award certified skill Diploma or Certificate to the successful candidates.

Issue of Certificates

Certified Skill Certificate for Diploma course/awards for the programme completion will be issued by RMET Skill Council, and it will be distributed through the Zonal offices to vocational Training Centres and to the students.